The following is a rough daily schedule for children at this preschool.
The schedule may vary slightly depending on the age of the child and individual differences.
Children arrive at school / Free play |
Clean up, Use the restroom, Snack for under 3-year-olds, Childcare by age, |
Lunch |
Get ready for bed, Nap |
Wake up |
Snack time |
Play time / Parents pick up children |
Start of extended daycare schedule |
Extended daycare children go home |
The following is 〈 Annual Event Schedule 〉 for the preschool.
Children experience and enjoy the seasons and culture.
[ Events ] | |
April | Entrance Ceremony |
May | Spring Field Trip |
June | Sports Day |
July | Summer Festival |
August | – |
September | Out-of-preschool Activities |
October | Halloween |
November | Recital |
December | Christmas Party |
January | Sports Day in the Snow |
February | Setsubun |
March | Girls’ Festival, Farewell Party, Graduation Ceremony |
English Program
We employ foreign English instructors.
In addition to holding age-specific
“English Time” lessons,
they spend the day with the children
for approximately 35 days a year.
They also participate in preschool’s
own programs and events.
Monthly Events
Birthday Parties, Evacuation Drills, Fire Drills,
Crime Prevention Education, etc.
Other Events
Traffic Safety Education – 5 times a year
Toddler Gymnastics – 10 times a year
English Time – 10 times a year