Shiraoi Kobato
Certified Nursery School


Day-to-Day Life

The following is a rough daily schedule for children at this preschool.
The schedule may vary slightly depending on the age of the child and individual differences.

How to spend a day

Children arrive at school / Free play
Clean up, Use the restroom,
Snack for under 3-year-olds,
Childcare by age,
Get ready for bed, Nap
Wake up
Snack time
Play time / Parents pick up children
Start of extended daycare schedule
Extended daycare children go home

The following is 〈 Annual Event Schedule 〉 for the preschool.
Children experience and enjoy the seasons and culture.

Annual Event Schedule

[ Events ]
April Entrance Ceremony
May Spring Field Trip
June Sports Day
July Summer Festival
September Out-of-preschool Activities
October Halloween
November Recital
December Christmas Party
January Sports Day in the Snow
February Setsubun
March Girls’ Festival, Farewell Party, Graduation Ceremony

English Program
We employ foreign English instructors.
In addition to holding age-specific
“English Time” lessons,
they spend the day with the children
for approximately 35 days a year.
They also participate in preschool’s
own programs and events.

Monthly Events
Birthday Parties, Evacuation Drills, Fire Drills,
Crime Prevention Education, etc.

Other Events
Traffic Safety Education – 5 times a year
Toddler Gymnastics – 10 times a year
English Time – 10 times a year